Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Train Ride

Well, we have been very busy for the past few days because we have had an open house and the house has been shown several times too. So we have had to clean straighten and stay out of the house for hours on exageration. The day of the open house we had left the house at 8:30 and returned at 11:30, only to have to leave again cuz they called to show the house and every time we came back thinking they were done, they were still in our driveway so we would do drive bys of our own house. The girls, the dog and I were all a bit stir crazy by the end of the day. We literally burned a half a tank of gas just driving around. We had the giggles so bad by the time we got back to the house it was too funny.
My father and Sharon left on Sunday. We had a wonderful time together. We took my dad on a train ride for his Father's Day gift. It is a train that goes from Cordele, Ga to Plains, Ga. My dad likes trains, but told me he had never been on a real train before, so this was a fun experience for not only him, but us as well. We stopped in Americus, Ga to tour the headquarters of Habitat for Humanity and the "global village" they have there. We then headed to Plains to the hometown of Jimmy Carter. We walked around the town and ate peanut ice cream too. It was so good. We then went to Jimmy Carter's boyhood home. We headed back after that. It was a full day, but we really enjoyed spending the time together. I have included some of our pictures from the trip. Bailey was hoping the conductor would punch a word in the ticket like "believe", like in the movie the Polar Express. Sarah was just being a dork on the tracks....always the comedian.
Well, we are off to South Carolina to a wedding tomorrow, and then we will be back on Monday. Maybe the house will sell while we are gone.....I can only hope!
Hope you all have a nice weekend.


Susan said...

Looks like you had a good visit with your Dad~Wish it could have been longer!

Anonymous said...

Nadine, Todd, Sarah, & Bailey, thank you for the gift of the train ride, it was awesome! I had a blast being with Nadine and the girls on the train.
It was being with you all for the week that was the iceing on the cake for me & Sharon.
Thank you!!!
Love you all,