Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Fun

Well we have been very busy the past week. Last weekend, we were in Ocala, Florida for Sarah's big band competition. They did a great job and placed 3rd out of 30 bands and 2nd in their class. They received all superior ratings as well which for those that know nothing about band scores....that is awesome. It was sooooo cold at the competition.....45 degrees in Florida....brrrr. The day after the competition we went to Busch Gardens for the day. Bailey enjoyed a day with mom and dad while Sarah walked with her friends.
When we got home, the week was filled with lots of basic day to day errands and lots of went into the shop and is costing us much more than we really want to hear. I had planned a trip to the north Georgia mountains which is my one thing I love to do in the fall. I had to cancel the trip because of the car, and it made me really mad. I pouted like a baby about it all Friday night which didn't make the football game all that fun, but it made me feel better! LOL.....On Saturday, I got up and decided I would still see if I could salvage my 'ruined' weekend. I found a corn maze about one hour from here so we headed out to attempt the corn maze. We had a fun day and I felt a little better about the weekend. Yesterday, we went to our church's fall festival. Bailey was excited to wear her halloween costume.....a jellyfish.....she was too cute. It kinda makes me feel sad cuz this is probably the last year she will do the halloween thing. It makes me realize how fast time has gone babies are definitely not babies for now I will cherish the memories we make and know that both girls have had very good childhoods....broken cars and all!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

HGTV.....Bathrooom Redesign.....

I have spent this whole week remodeling our bathroom. Since I don't have the cash to gut the bathroom and redo the whole thing like we really want, I decided to just make it livable for the time being. All for under $300, I was able to redesign the entire bathroom. New flooring, paint, window treatments, lighting and accessories! I love how it turned out and I am so glad I got it done while Todd was gone. Hopefully he will like what I have done.
He will finally be home tomorrow. I know he made it back into the States safely so that is all I care about. No moose once again, but he had fun and I guess that is all that really matters. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms again. I have felt like a part of me was missing all week.
He will be home tomorrow evening so I am gonna take the girls to the Georgia State Fair tomorrow while we anxiously wait for him to get home.
We had soccer pictures taken today for Bailey. She looks so cute in her uniform. She is really enjoying it so far. She has another game on Monday.
I guess that is all for now. I am tired and gonna head to bed. Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Soccer and Dances

Whew! What a week! I am so tired from all of it, but so fulfilled because my children are experiencing so much fun and excitement.
Bailey had her first soccer game this past week. She did SOOOO good for never playing soccer before. She was sitting on the ball before the game started, and I was like "oh boy, this is gonna get interesting". But once that whistle blew she just hopped up and got her head in the game. She played defense which I thought was a good choice on the coach's part being she had never played before. I just sat on the sidelines praying she would just not get hurt. Well, let me tell you that ball came down near her and she got right in there. She had a few good plays too. She learned a few things as well which was great. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Her team won 5-1. She was so excited and couldn't wait to tell Sarah and Daddy about it. She has another game again tonight so we will see if she does as well. It was so neat to see her involved in something.
Sarah had her Homecoming this weekend as well. It was Spirit week at school so she got right in on the festivities....twin day, tacky day/duct tape day, zombie day, red light day and finally spirit day. The football team won Friday night at the game which is always a good thing for homecoming. Band did great as usual. Saturday started off with a nail appointment, then hair appointment and finally the dance. Chase looked so handsome when he arrived to pick up our princess. Sarah looked fantastic if I don't say so myself. She was absolutely radiant and classy. Some of these teenage girls look like hoochies when they go to these dances. We took some pictures and the kids headed out to dinner. She and Chase went with one other couple to eat. I went out to eat with Chase's parents and when the kids were done, they met up with us again to get more pictures made at ABAC (our local college). Then they headed to the dance which they had an absolute ball at! I had a bonfire at the house and all the kid's parents came to it and then the kids joined us after the dance was over. We all had a great time relaxing and enjoying the laughter of our kids. We didn't get to bed till around 3:30 am. Sunday was spent recovering from lack of sleep! Sarah didn't want the weekend to end...but like all good things it did. She made lots of memories and that is all that matters.
So I sit here on Monday morning exhausted but fulfilled......funny how your children can bring you so much grief at times but seeing what my girls have been up to lately, the joys of being a mom by far outweigh the crazy times. I love being a mom and seeing our children happy....there is nothing in the world quite like it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What we have been up to..... when I tell you band pretty much takes up our life.....I am not joking. For the past few weeks all we do on the weekends it band stuff. I feel like I am never home and that we are constantly at something band related. This weekend was no different. Sarah had her first major band competition of the season. The Blue Devil Brigade took home top honors....Superior Ratings, All 1's for scores, and a Sweepstakes win for the competition! They did fantastic and the kids were so excited. Bailey and I had fun watching the kids but we were sweating our bottoms off! It was like 93 degrees and humid! I felt so bad for the kids in their polyester band uniforms because it was so hot, so Bailey and I tried not to complain but it was hard.
Next week is Homecoming weekend so we will have the homecoming parade on Thursday, game at the stadium on Friday and then the dance on Saturday. So we will have a fun packed week/weekend. Sarah has her dress and accessories purchased. Going to get nails and hair done the day of the dance and then off to pictures and dinner before the dance. I am having a bonfire out here at our house after the dance for the kids to come and hang out. It is just gonna be Sarah and Chase and her friends Kaycee and Rob. I am gonna have the parents out while the kids are at the maybe I will get to relax a little next weekend....doubt it but a girl can dream.
Bailey has started soccer practice and she is doing quite good for never have played the game. She is realizing how tiring it can be too which is funny to watch her. Her first game is at the same time of the parade on Thursday, so I won't be at the parade but on the soccer field watching Bailey. That has been hard for me to have to now split myself between activities because I want to be there for both my children....hate that feeling. Bailey had her Pride Program this week for all the kids who made all A's for the first quarter. She is doing so well in school. The kids were treated to one of the original Harlem Globetrotters as their speaker. She got to ask him a question....and what does she ask? "What size shoe do you wear?"....too funny! By the was a size 15. She was so excited she got to "talk" to him!
Todd heads out on his annual moose hunt on Friday. He will be gone for about 9 days. He loves this trip and has told me he thinks this is probably going to be the last year doing this because he thinks his dad won't be able to continue the hiking etc. because of his health.....I am more worried about Todd's legs this year too. I hope he will do okay with it. I can't wait to go to the doctor's in November to start to get some answers....I am fearful of what the outcome will be but in the same sense anxious cuz I want to see him finally know what is going on. Please continue to pray for him as things are not changing much and sometimes I think worse but in different ways. I know God has a plan for us and I trust He will take us through this, but I am human and I still have fears.
Well I think that catches you all up on things. Hope everone is well!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Playing in the Mud....

We had a really horrible rainstorm the other day that came through Tifton. The farmer's field across the road from us at one point looked like a pond. The girls and I sat on the front porch and watched the cars "flying" down the road in the torrential downpour. As soon as they would hit the intersection at the corner of our property, the cars would hydroplane. We thought for sure there was gonna be a wreck. So we sat there just laughing at how dumb people are....I know that is kinda sick, but we were looking for some form of entertainment and that seemed to fit the bill for the time. Once the rain let up, the little voices from the field across from us were calling the girls names....."come play in the mud"...."it will be fun" needless to say the girls couldn't resist. They had so much fun and were laughing so hard. I was on guard on the front porch with the camera, waiting for one of them to fall on their behind in the mud. It didn't happen unfortunately, but it was a small moment of childhood laughter that I got to experience with my it was priceless. We had a fun afternoon just enjoying the basics....rain and mud and laughter.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just a thought....

No pictures to add right now, but just a thought. I saw a sign the other day that read......Before you speak think whether what you are about to say is true, helpful, and kind. That sign really has hit home for me. I struggle with this is so easy to judge and criticize. I just thought I would share this with everyone to give you something to think about as it has for me.
Hope you have a good week.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back to School

Well....I am officially the mother of a 5th grader and a sophomore...need I say more about my emotional state? I had a date with my husband this morning for breakfast and I ended up crying through most of it cuz I just can't believe how quickly time is flying. It just doesn't seem right that my children are growing up so fast. I know every mother in history probably has said that, but it is sooooo true. And until you are a mother, you just don't get it.....

Bailey met her teacher last night and seemed to like her very much. I was happy to see that she had several kids she knew in her class that she goes to church with and some that she knew from when she was in the primary school. So the change to the new school should be fine for her. I will see how she did this afternoon when I pick her up.

Sarah started at the main high school campus today as well. I pray she does well there. Her biggest fear is the drama that revolves around girls! She just doesn't want to deal with it, but it is gonna be there and how she deals with it will be the test. I still am numb to the fact she has only three more years left before she heads to college.
Well that is the quick update for now.....back to a routine and back to life as only I know it.
Have a great week!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Crazy past few days....

So we have had enough excitement to last us a while. Suncya we headed to St. Stimons Island to see my dearest friend Betsy and her family. They live in Texas so this is usually the only time I get to see her all year, so I was looking so forward to this trip. We got there Sunday morning and had a great time at the beach together. Kids had a blast. On our way back to the condo, Todd pulled into the complex and a woman decided to back out into our convertible.....crap!!!! So we spent the next hour dealing with police report etc. Had a great rest of the day, although my stomach was in knots because I am ticked my car is ruined. Went out to eat at the Red Barn on the Island and it was yummy. The next morning, Todd and Rick went out on a shark fishing trip and had lots of luck. Caught quite a few sharks with the largest that they got to the boat being about 4 foot long. While the guys were off fishing, we took the kids to the beach again and they had a great time! Bailey attempted skim boarding with the boys and Sarah decided tanning was the name of the game for the day. We headed to Barbara Jeans for a dinner of "she crab" soup and their famous crab cakes. We said our goodbyes and headed back to Tifton. Drove through some hellacious rain but all went well.....until we got home. We arrived home to find out Reilly was gone. The kids were really upset and I was trying to stay calm for them. We looked everywhere we could and to no avail she was no where. A really bad storm came through that night so we were of course really worried about her. Tuesday morning I went out on a search for her, reported her missing with the animal shelter, the local vets, the microchip company that is in her, and we posted signs up everywhere. Still no luck finding her. I then start going into freak out mode cuz I am realizing she may not be come home. Another storm comes through and now I am really worried about her. Still no luck all day. Wednesday morning we go on another search for her and she is still no where. I go home and decide to start painting the kitchen to get my mind off things....storm starts brewing outside again. The phone rings about 3:00 and I answer it. A woman down the road from us calls and says "I have your baby!" I started screaming and crying like a 5 year old cuz I am so excited. We went down to get her and the woman said she had been there since Monday and that she didn't feed her cuz she figured she would go home if she didn't do that, but that the storms we had made Reilly go hide underneath her deck and she couldn't get her out. When she finally did get her, she called the number on her tag which was our vets office and the gave her our number. So happy ending after all the drama!

Today had to get up at 5 am to take Bailey to Macon for her 6 month check up.....drove an hour and a half to be in the office for 7 minutes to here the doctor say, "it all looks great", and then drive home for another hour and a half. Got home and had to go get an estimate on the car which was $3300. Got home and insurance appraiser came to look at car and he says close to $ we will see what happens next.

I am exhausted after this weekend/week of events because my brain is mentally shot, but this too shall pass. And as my dad told me, "Nadine, your life is always exciting...there is always something going need to write a book!" I guess this is as close to a book as I will get for a while cuz I am too tired and too busy to find the time!

Here is hoping this weekend and next week will be better. Sarah starts drivers ed this coming week. The girls have only 3 weeks left before the first day of school....can't believe summer is over already!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bailey and Jet

Bailey has had a fabulous week at her horseback riding lessons. She has loved every minute of it. Her horse's name was Jet. Jet was kinda a temperamental horse which is what was funny because that means the right horse was put with the right child. Bailey learned so much and even had to "cowgirl" up on occasions where she just wanted to give up and cry. Ms. Michelle, her teacher, said she was so proud of the way Bailey did this week and would love to have her continue on in the lessons if she wanted to.....which Bailey wants to so bad it is is my stomach when I think of the cost of keeping her in it....what is a mom to do????

Anyway, I thought I would share a few pics of her on her horse.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Bailey's Camp Days

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted.....we have had a ton going on and were out of town for part of the time. We had an absolutely fabulous time in NY. I cried like a baby when I left and it has taken me about two weeks to get over my homesickness. You would think after living away from NY for over 20 years I would be over it by now, but I am not. My heart is always in NY. It was so special having both my sisters with me as we visited with my parents. It hasn't happened in a LONG time so the time together was very special to me. I am the sentimental sappy one of the family, so bear with me. LOL

Bailey attended a day camp all last week here in Tifton. It was called Camp Winshape C3. She had an absolutely fabulous time. She was soooooo tired at the end of each day. She would fall asleep in the car on the 5 minute ride home almost every day. She took three classes while there. She took fast foods, which I think was one of her favorites, a painting class and a drama class. The kids were at camp from 7:45 until 5:00 each day. They learned so much and most of all had lots of fun. She starts horseback riding camp on the 6th of July and is so excited about that. We got her cowboy boots the other day for her....she looks too cute.
Sarah is counting down the days until band camp. It is hard to believe it is only three and a half weeks away. The kids will be back to school before we know it. She has been practicing her driving and will start Driver's Ed on July 20th. Her boyfriend, Chase, and her have kept busy just hanging out or going to the movies etc for most of the summer. She was able to go to the beach yesterday with a friend, but they got rained out and headed home early.
We are a going to South Carolina at the end of this week to go visit Todd's dad and Carol because Todd's brother is coming down for the 4th of July. The kids will get to see their cousins which will be fun for them.
Then we are headed to St. Simons Island the following week to see my girlfriend, Betsy, and her family. We will spend a few days there with them.
Todd is headed to Augusta again on Monday for a follow-up on his last doctor's appointment. Please keep him in your prayers as I am sure he will have the needle test done again on EMG...I just pray we get good news.
I guess that is all for now. I think that catches you all up. Once again, I am sorry my posts have been few and far between, but once summer is over I should get back on track. Hope you all are having a good summer! Happy 4th!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

And so it goes....

Well.....I guess the time has come for me to accept that Sarah is spreading her wings....
She got her learner's permit on Tuesday. The whole family piled into the car yesterday as she went on her first excursion. The good news is that we took out no mailboxes or any other object around us. She actually did quite well, but you can tell she is nervous. I just don't think I am gonna do as well with her when she drives away without me or Todd in the car.
We have spent the first week of summer being complete lazy bums......sleeping in and just doing basically nothing during the day. I really have to kick myself to get moving. I know we should be enjoying it, but my to do list is too long to be doing this. I did finally decide what color I am going to paint my cupboards in my kitchen....I will post pictures when it is done. I will leave it a surprise until then. Hopefully this week, I will get more done. I will need to start thinking about packing for our trip to my dad's starting late next week. The key is trying to get my two girls to understand they can't bring everything they own. The airlines are charging per bag now, so we are going to have to really limit it. I am excited about this trip because like our trip we took with Todd's family last summer, we are going to have our whole family together next weekend. Both my sisters will be there so we will all get to be together which NEVER happens. I can't wait to see them! Hopefully Todd will get to fish some too....something he hasn't done since last summer as well.
Well, pray for us as Sarah embarks on this new journey......
Have a great week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week events

We have had a busy week here. This past weekend was the culmination of it all. This past Friday, Bailey had her Honors Program. She was on Honor Roll all four quarters for the year! She was so excited to get her trophy. She worked hard all year to get it and we are so proud of her! After her program, I checked her out of school so we could hurry up and drive to Albany to pick up her gramma at the airport. We then took her out eat at her favorite restaurant, Mellow Mushroom.
Saturday we all got up very early and drove to Jacksonville, Alabama to see Sarah perform in her concert for the Jacksonville State University Honor Band. She did an excellent job in her performance. Sarah was placed in 5th chair out of 13 flute players in her particular band. That is two better than she was in last year. She had a great time but was thoroughly exhausted when she got home.
Sunday, Mother's Day, started off with our trip to church. Todd was able to attend church with us before he headed to work for one of his busiest days of the entire year. My mother in law and I just spent the day hanging out on the front porch enjoying the beautiful weather. We headed to Longhorn around 5 to have dinner. Todd was able to join us for dinner which was a nice treat as usually, Mother's Day is one of those days that I never see my husband.
Yesterday was the preschool graduation. It went very well and now I only have two days of work left before I retire......LOL Todd brought me home a lounge chair for the back deck so I can sit and read as my retirement gift. I can tell you, I am gonna take advantage of that starting on Monday!!!
Well I think that catches you all up on our happenings. I hope all is well with everyone.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


It has been a while since I have posted and for that I apologize. We have had a lot going on especially the past few days.
There are times in life where you just have to stop and give thanks to God for the life that you have, and sometimes those moments are brought upon us in the form of scares. Our scare happened and it really brought me to a place where I have to re-evaluate the way I take advantage of even the littlest things.
Todd has been having issues for about two years with his legs. It all started with some "twitches" he was having in his legs. We assumed it was restless leg because his mom has it and so we pursued that avenue for diagnosis. After months of trying all kinds of remedies, both natural and medicinal, he was not getting any relief. Soon after he began to have leg cramps at night....sometimes so bad he would almost be in tears. The leg cramps went from one or two a night to sometimes up to 6 or 7 a night. And as you can imagine, having these cramps at night did not allow him much sleep as he layed there waiting for the next cramp to hit. Still after seeing his doctor and more meds being prescibed, nothing was working. He most recently has had times where his legs cramp during the day and at times would even give out on him a little bit if he got up too quick. I finally told him he needed to go back to the doctor, but this time I was going with him because Todd has a tendency to blow things off as not a big deal and I was gonna make sure the doctor didn't just write it off again as an undiagnosed condition. At that appointment, I told our doctor that something was definitely wrong and we needed to get a specialist involved. He refered us to a neurologist here in town. We made a consult appointment with him at which he prescribed a battery of tests for Todd. Todd had bloodwork done, three MRI's, and an EMG(nerve test) done. All during this time, our life went from what I thought was pretty normal to all of a sudden a quest for a diagnosis. The scare came at our last appointment with the neurologist as he told us he wanted to send Todd to Augusta to see another neurologist who specialize in ALS diagnosises.....WHAT!!!! I felt as if the rug had just been pulled out from under us. We went from restless leg to ALS????? I cried the first night uncontrollably...mad at myself for showing my emotions to Todd because I was suppose to be the strong, supportive spouse when instead he was doing that for me and he was the one who was the patient. I was so scared. Trying to figure out in my head what the hell I was gonna do if this was the actual would we handle it? what would we tell our children? what would our life turn out like? why God? why?
After the initial shock wore off, I went into warrior mode, as I call it. I was gonna have to be there for my husband no matter what. I went through the motions of our daily life with this weight on my shoulders, but I was not going to let it rob me of my life. We made the appointment with the specialist, knowing now our sites were set on that day....the day of diagnosis.
Here is where one of those God things happened in our life....
Two weeks ago, I am watching the Today show, and there is this little segment on statin drugs and the fact they have a side effect of muscle weakness.....think to myself, interesting....
Two days later, I get one of magazines in the mail and I am reading an "ask the doctor" article and once again there is an article in there stating that cholestreol medicine can be tied to weakness in muscles and to call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.
Two days after that, I am sitting in the hospital because one of our dear friends is having open heart surgery. The surgeon comes out and speaks to my girlfriend and tells her that her husband will have to be put on a statin drug....
I am thinking....why does this statin drug thing keep getting put in front of me.....Todd has been on his Crestor for a while and hasn't had any issues with it.....hmmmm....wait a second.....
I call our primary care physician...."When did Todd start taking his Crestor?" "June of 07"....."thanks."... That is interesting because that is about when Todd started having issues with his legs......Go to the computer and do a google search...."statins and muscle pain" another search....."Crestor and fasciculations"(that is the technical term for the twitches).....Holy Crap....I am reading my husband's of the articles that comes up is entitled "Crestor and ALS like symptoms". OK God....message received.....THANKS!
I talk to Todd and tell him what I have found and that I think he needs to stop his Crestor immediately.....He goes off it last Friday. The subsequent nights he has little to no leg cramps.....that doesn't happen very often. I call the local neurologist to tell him what I have found and what has happened. The same day the specialists' office in Augusta calls and says Todd's appointment has been moved to Thursday....another God thing as far as I am concerned.
The local neurologist thinks I am on to something and orders another blood test to check his enzyme levels so it is done before the appointment in Augusta on Thursday.
We leave for our appointment on Thursday and I am literally sick to my stomach.....dreading that my recent findings will be laughed at and that we are gonna get the ALS diagnosis. Todd is Mr. Positive through this whole ordeal, showing no emotion except for his humor cracking jokes about having to fulfill his "bucket list" and that it is gonna be expensive to do that etc.. While I am feeling like my world is falling in.....We meet Dr. Rivner in Augusta....kind of a strange fellow....but a New Yorker by birth, so we laugh at his gruffness. He performs a series of tests on us and tells us that he doesn't think it is ALS because Todd has no visible signs of muscle loss, and that his strength is fine. If it was ALS, he would be deteriorating. I share with him my "diagnosis". He grins at me and then turns to Todd to keep doing more tests....okay....I just felt like I got the "isn't she let's move on...." look. He then turns to me and says, "Mr. Cook, I think we need to see you back in 2 months to redo your nerve test. I think it is your Crestor as well. I have seen lots of cases where statins will cause issues like this. Crestor will give you false positive results on nerve tests, so let's see how you do then".....I then say, "so I was right?" He smiles at me and says, let's hope so.....but I think so!
THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! I have never been so happy to be told I was right then I was in that Todd will never live the "I was right" down....LOL
I take the past few weeks as the wake up call we needed to let us know not to take each other for granted.....we have had the biggest scare we possibly could, and thank goodness it turned out the way we wanted, but we need to remember how quickly something like that can happen to us. I thank God not just for the blessings of the "coincidences", as some people like to call them, that happened over the past few weeks, but also for the family and friends that we have that have been so supportive through all of this. I have truly been awakened to the blessings in my life.....I hope all of you will be as well.
As for now, we are gonna wait for all the Crestor poison to get out of my husband's system so he can begin a road to recovery.....he is still getting a few cramps, but it can take a long time for this to get out of his system.
So I ask you all to still keep us in your prayers. I am now on the mission to figure out why all the previous doctors missed this on his health history, and why they didn't know the side effects of this drug. I am angry that the FDA and the medical community solicite this drug and know how many people are suffering the side effects of this drug....which do include the possible diagnosis of statin induced ALS.....scary!!!! Please check into your own prescriptions and don't be afraid to question your doctors and to go for second and even third opinions....your life or your loved ones lives could depend on it.
Stay healthy and count your blessings!!!
Hugs to all!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break Fun

The girls started their spring break this past Thursday. Papa and Nana Walty are here visiting and the girls have had a good time with them. Thursday brought the arrival of a minature pony to our house. His name is Peanut. He is too cute and the girls are very excited to have him here at our house. Todd's friend, Chris, brought Peanut over from his mom's horse farm. Ms. Betsy runs a horse rescue from her farm. There may even be another full size horse coming to stay with Peanut. Bailey decided to "name" our farm since we have animals now.....the house is now named Sunset Farm. Friday we went to Jekyll Island for the day. The girls enjoyed playing in the ocean and laying in the sun for a while. Today we are going to have a cook out with Papa and Nana and then tonight we will have friends over for our annual nighttime egg hunt. The kids have been looking forward to it. Tomorrow we will celebrate Easter by going to church in the morning. Sarah will be playing in the orchestra. Then we will go to Longhorn for lunch and have a ham dinner to close out the day.

Dad and Sharon are heading out on Monday for their long trip back to NY. It has been a great visit with them. Dad made a great mantle for the master bedroom and it looks great. I am so glad his work is part of my makes it more personal to me. Thanks Dad! Love you!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sarah's Excellent Adventure

We woke up yesterday at 6:18 in the morning to Bailey telling us Sarah was stuck in the bathroom. After a long and hysterical exchange of Todd and I trying to tell Bailey she was crazy and that Sarah was just locking her out, we finally decided to go "check things out". Todd discovered she really was stuck in the Todd had to remove the doorknob and then try and rig it to work because a piece in the doorknob was broken. After he threatened to leave her in there cuz he had to go to work and us teasing her to tell us all her sins, he finally got the door open. It was too funny. Enjoy the video....although know that this is just before the door was opened....she was in there for a good 20 minutes before he was able to get it open.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bailey's Sleepover and Bowling Party

Today was Bailey's birthday party with her friends. She had a couple girls sleepover last night which we survived surprisingly well, and then today we had a bowling party. She had a good time with both. We had horrible weather today so it ended up there were three girls that didn't show up, but I didn't think it was that bad knowing there were tornadoes in the area and terrential downpours....we did pretty good.

She had a great time and is chilling out right now just because she was up late and had a full day of activities.
We got her a bunny rabbit and all the accessories for her gift. She has spent the entire evening holding the rabbit. Sarah got one as well. Bailey named hers Oreo and Sarah named hers Nibblz (yes that is how she spells it) The bunnies are dwarf bunnies so the size is gonna pretty much stay the same. They are too cute!

I think that updates you all between the last two posts. Have a good rest of the weekend.