Monday, August 31, 2009

Playing in the Mud....

We had a really horrible rainstorm the other day that came through Tifton. The farmer's field across the road from us at one point looked like a pond. The girls and I sat on the front porch and watched the cars "flying" down the road in the torrential downpour. As soon as they would hit the intersection at the corner of our property, the cars would hydroplane. We thought for sure there was gonna be a wreck. So we sat there just laughing at how dumb people are....I know that is kinda sick, but we were looking for some form of entertainment and that seemed to fit the bill for the time. Once the rain let up, the little voices from the field across from us were calling the girls names....."come play in the mud"...."it will be fun" needless to say the girls couldn't resist. They had so much fun and were laughing so hard. I was on guard on the front porch with the camera, waiting for one of them to fall on their behind in the mud. It didn't happen unfortunately, but it was a small moment of childhood laughter that I got to experience with my it was priceless. We had a fun afternoon just enjoying the basics....rain and mud and laughter.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just a thought....

No pictures to add right now, but just a thought. I saw a sign the other day that read......Before you speak think whether what you are about to say is true, helpful, and kind. That sign really has hit home for me. I struggle with this is so easy to judge and criticize. I just thought I would share this with everyone to give you something to think about as it has for me.
Hope you have a good week.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back to School

Well....I am officially the mother of a 5th grader and a sophomore...need I say more about my emotional state? I had a date with my husband this morning for breakfast and I ended up crying through most of it cuz I just can't believe how quickly time is flying. It just doesn't seem right that my children are growing up so fast. I know every mother in history probably has said that, but it is sooooo true. And until you are a mother, you just don't get it.....

Bailey met her teacher last night and seemed to like her very much. I was happy to see that she had several kids she knew in her class that she goes to church with and some that she knew from when she was in the primary school. So the change to the new school should be fine for her. I will see how she did this afternoon when I pick her up.

Sarah started at the main high school campus today as well. I pray she does well there. Her biggest fear is the drama that revolves around girls! She just doesn't want to deal with it, but it is gonna be there and how she deals with it will be the test. I still am numb to the fact she has only three more years left before she heads to college.
Well that is the quick update for now.....back to a routine and back to life as only I know it.
Have a great week!