Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sarah's Excellent Adventure

We woke up yesterday at 6:18 in the morning to Bailey telling us Sarah was stuck in the bathroom. After a long and hysterical exchange of Todd and I trying to tell Bailey she was crazy and that Sarah was just locking her out, we finally decided to go "check things out". Todd discovered she really was stuck in the Todd had to remove the doorknob and then try and rig it to work because a piece in the doorknob was broken. After he threatened to leave her in there cuz he had to go to work and us teasing her to tell us all her sins, he finally got the door open. It was too funny. Enjoy the video....although know that this is just before the door was opened....she was in there for a good 20 minutes before he was able to get it open.


Anonymous said...

This was such a hysterical story!! I know Sarah doen's think so but it will be an every lasting memory!

Love you guys, Steve and Melissa

Christy Day said...

If only we could have seen the 1st 20 minutes of it!