Saturday, October 11, 2008

Growing up and Rainbows.....again!
 baby went to homecoming this evening. She looked so beautiful and grown up. I have been boohooing all day. I just am so overwhelmed by how quickly time has flown by. It was only yesterday that she was in my arms and tonight she is dancing in the arms of someone else......I am not okay with that in all reality, but like they say life happens and I can't change that. She had a good time getting ready for it. She got her nails done yesterday, and then today we went and got her hair done. They ate at Longhorn tonight where Danny and Chris(Todd's managers) both kept an eye on her. Chris texted me and said he "questioned" Tripp and so far he has passed the preliminary interview because he said "yes sir and no sir" when answering the questions. Cracks me up because they are probably worse than Todd would have been. Moses came over before Tripp got here and told me he was gonna keep an eye on Tripp, and take care of things if he needed to.....too cute.He also told Sarah she looked like she was 18. I guess that is as close to a compliment that she is gonna get from Mo. Then he posed for a picture with Sarah. When Tripp got here, he gave Sarah her coursage. His mom and I were both boohooing, which of course embarassed both of them, but we as mommas understood each other. I then took them to Longhorn. When I dropped them off, I was proud yet sad. I pulled out of the parking lot feeling sorry for myself, but also saying a small prayer for my child's safety and guidance. No sooner do I look up and there in the sky is a HUGE rainbow that is a full arc. And above the left side of the arc is a double rainbow. Now most of you have already read about my "rainbow experience" during the house hunt, and my thoughts and feelings on that, but how weird is that.....just after saying a quick prayer, I look up and there it is again! I pulled off the highway to take a picture of it. I knew at that moment, it was all going to be alright.
So tonight I am snuggling up with Bailey on the couch watching a movie and enjoying the beauty and innocence of her youth. Knowing in my heart someday she will be going to her own homecoming. But for now, I am going to enjoy her being 9. As for Sarah, she will always be in my heart, and I know our relationship will forever be different once this dating thing starts. But as I slowly cut the apron strings, I know that she will always be a part of me and although her heart is going in a different direction right now, she will always come back to me for what she needs most, unconditional love.
Have a great evening.


Susan said...

I understand the crying because she looks so....grown! I love the picture of her and Moses! They have both grown and changed so much! Have fun with Bailey. Oh love the shotgun picture!

Anonymous said...

We love the pic with the rifle in your hands and the look on Sarah's face.
The pic's are Great & we are glad Sarah had GOOD TIME.
Love you all,
Papa & Nanna in N.C., NY

Anonymous said...

Priceless...every single picture...just unbelievable. I am speechless. Sarah is growing up. I suppose it is inevitable but make sure you tell her how much we love her and hope she makes all the right choices so she won't regret anything. I am such a nerd but I remember when and I just want her to look back on these times and remember how much they meant.

Okay I will end the lecture with a simple thanks for sharing the moments. (The pictures of you and Bailey with Sarah are so great.)

Love you all, Melissa and Steve