Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boxes, Boxes Everywhere

Well, we are finally in the house! It has been a crazy week and a half. We just got the internet up and working as of last night, so I have a ton of catching up to do but not enough time to do it!
Just to give you all a quick update...
We ended up living at the Holiday Inn for three extra days due to not being able to get in our house until three days after closing.....a minor detail we didn't know was in the contract.....I still can't find it either but whatever it is water under the bridge at this point. When I did finally get the keys, I was shocked at how dirty the house was left. It took me two and a half hours to just clean the bathroom! We have a ton of painting to do as well, but I can handle that. I have boxes and stuff everywhere. This is like my worst nightmare because as a highly organized individual, this is like hell to me.....LOL, but yesterday I felt like I made a little headway. Todd is off today and tomorrow too, so we should be able to get some things accomplished, I hope anyway. It just seems like the boxes are reproducing while we sleep! But as they say, this too shall pass. I am just gonna do what I can as I can, and if people judge me on how my house looks right now, well then that is their problem.
The kids have done well with the move. They got their kittens Saturday and have been loving the daylights out of them. We have changed their names like ten times too. I think we have settled on Oliver (Bailey's) and Shaft (Sarah's). They are brothers and they are very sweet kittens.
Well, that is the quick update for now. I have to go wake the kids up for school. Please bear with me as far as postings during this transition.
Have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day at a time Nadine, nobody will question how your house looks!We know how the Cook's live in their house, tidy ,Clean & more Clean!
Male cat's get them out of your house & into the barn or you know what is going to happen.
Now that your in the country setting, I hope & pray you start locking your doors when you leave.

Love you all,