Then today we got to start taking our tests for our accelerated reader books at the AR center for the summer reading program. The girls read and take a test to see if they understood the book basically, and then they are rewarded points for the test results. At the end of the summer they turn their points in for prizes. I like it because it really encourages them to read. Sarah actually is taking American Literature this coming school year so her upcoming teacher is requiring the kids to get in at least 20 points over the summer that will be counted as their first major grade of the class. She wasn't too happy to be forced to read only AR books, but she already has 9 points from just reading 1 book, and she picked up another book that is worth 15 today at the library so she will be done with the requirement, just by finishing this book. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on the length and difficulty of the book. Not every book at the library is an AR book, so the kids have to find books that are AR....which basically means there is a test in the computer system for that particular book.
Bailey LOVED her art class last week. The teacher was fantastic, and Bailey learned so much. We hated to see the week end. She also started her piano lessons last week as well. She goes on Thursdays and she loved that as well. Her teacher's name is Ms. Nettie Hatcher. She is very sweet, and I think this may be a good match for Bailey.
Sarah had a great week last week as well. It was Youth Week at church and they had lots of activities for the kids. She loved Messy Olympics, where she got disgustingly messy with all kinds of food etc. They had a lock-in as well, which she had fun at and got little to no sleep. They got to "kidnap" the younger incoming youth early in the morning which Sarah thought was so fun.
Well, I guess that kinda sums up what we have been up to the past few days. I haven't had a chance to post much as Todd and I have had a lot going on, so bear with me over the next few weeks. Hope you have a great week!
Sounds like everyone is doing well! Looking forward to seeing you for Michelle and Fred's wedding. You did get my message about the house right...Monday-Monday. Love you, Melissa
Well, the girl's and mom have a full plate it seems for the summer. It is better to have many things to do, instead of sitting around vegetating & getting into trouble.
Thanks for the up date,
Love you all,
Dad& Sharon
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