Wednesday, June 4, 2008

She's home

Well, Sarah made it home safe, and I have to say I am so glad she is home. She walked in the door, and I got choked up. I think she got a few inches taller, and turned into a full fledged teenager/high schooler while she was gone. My immediate thought when I saw her was, "holy cow, she is a beautiful young woman. What the heck happened while she was gone. I am not ready for this..." After my initial reaction, I started to tear up. I really have been thinking that parenthood is such an emotional roller coaster. I feel frustration at times, anger, happiness, pride, and just shear fear too! I feel her slipping away a tiny piece at a time, and I think this is God's way of preparing me for the final flight. I have reflected so much on how my dad must have felt when I left, and although at the time I was so wrapped up in "being in love" that I didn't even account for his feelings, I now feel so bad that I didn't acknowledge those feelings. I know that it is the cycle of life and the same thing happened to him when he left to marry my mom, but oh man, you know the cycle of life sucks when you are on the receiving end. My babies haven't even left yet and I hurt, I am dreading the day it really happens. So for those of you who have young ones, cherish the moments with them because it literally feels like yesterday I was holding them in my arms and rocking them to sleep. And for my dad, I am so sorry I didn't acknowledge your feelings way back when. I love you.
Well, enough of my sappy self, the pictures are just a few snapshots she took while in Daytona. The top one is where her and Anna went on a shopping frenzy to try and find the "perfect hat". The second is her "beach art". The third is of Anna's grandparents and the girls. The girls took the Head's out for their anniversary dinner. I thought that was sweet they thought to do that for them. Sarah said it was kinda her way of saying thank you to them as well. And the last picture is of Sarah on the way home, looking tan but exhausted.
Bailey is taking her art classes at ABAC college this week. She is really enjoying them and has made a bunch of neat things. She really likes her teacher as well. She is starting piano lessons tomorrow. She is very excited about that too. Her Papa and Nana Cook bought her a gently used keyboard for her birthday for her to practice on, so we will see how it goes. I don't think she is grasping the "you have to practice" part very well yet, but she is about to find out. At least this week she has had things to keep her busy.
Sarah, Bailey and I are going to our church tonight for a "gleaning"......I had never heard of it before, but I guess when you live in agricultural South Georgia, you learn quickly what it is. They are bringing a truck load of green beans to the church and we all will "bag" them into individual bags that will be handed out to the homeless/food pantries/soup kitchen in town. We are hoping the truck is a pick up and not a dump truck or worse a semi. They said the last gleaning they did took 53 people two hours to complete it and it was green peppers.....beans are a lot smaller than peppers so this should be interesting.
Well, I guess that is all for now. My laundry dryer is calling me....literally, so I better go fold the clothes. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad Sarah made it home. Both Sarah and Bailey are the most adorable girls you can ever ask for!!!!! I love you guys, Melissa

Anonymous said...

We were wondering if Bailey had started piano lesson's. Hey! if she does not like it at least she gave it a shot. In the event she does like piano, she only has a few weeks to learn something to play for us when we see her in July.
Only kidding, but she is a fast learner.
Welcome home Miss Sarah.
Love you all,
Papa & Nana