Friday, March 5, 2010

Life Decisions....

Well, not a lot has been going on in our "family" world. Just the day to day routine that we, running errands, being a taxi for the children's many activities, etc.
What I am struggling with right now is this "going back to work" thing. A lot of people would not understand why I am struggling with this because they have had a job day in and day out and they know no better. I, on the other hand, have been so blessed to be able to stay home full time with my babies for the past 16 years. I know most people would think....come on already, get a job and move on...the kids are growing up and you have to worry about the future. But until you walk in my shoes, you can't judge....isn't that what they say. As a mom, you sacrifice everything for your children, and your children are the only world you know. And despite what the common misconception is...I am not eating bonbons and watching soaps all day. I am extremely busy as an at home fact I am rarely home. And I know, in the end, Todd and I made the right decision with me putting my career on hold for our children. My children are wonderful human beings with great respect for others. They are smart and they are responsible. I truly don't think things would have turned out the same if I had worked during their early years. I pride myself in knowing the my children never have to doubt that mom is there for them at a moment's notice and that they are very secure in their knowing they are truly loved. It is rare to find a family unit like ours nowadays. Divorce and unhappy marriages are the norm for the majority of my children's friends. The secure environment that Todd and I have provided for the girls is one that is rare.....we worked hard for it and had some really tough times, but we made it through. So with that being do I move on to this new phase of my life and take everything that I have known for soooo long and not think it is a scary endeavor?
With Todd's illness looming over our home, it is obvious that I have to think about the future and what I will have to do to not only care for him but also for my children. I don't quite know if I am ready to move into this phase, but like it or not it is here. I need to get settled into the working world while things are still good for Todd, so we can all transition slowly together. I have two interviews this week coming up, and all I can think about is "what if...." as far as the kids are concerned. I am giving up the freedom to come and go as I please. Vacations and days off will now have to be worked around not only Todd's schedule but mine as well. Carefree summer days with the girls are going to be a thing of the past....and oh so much more. Bailey and Sarah will have to do without me in certain situations and it just doesn't sit right with me. I know this too shall pass and everyone will adjust as we go through this together, but I can't sit back and not look at this with bitter sweetness. It is not only an end of my life as an at home mom, but also in a way a bidding of farewell to my girl's "child"hoods.
So as I go into this week, I am turning not only another year older, but also starting a new chapter of my life. I just hope and pray that this book of life I am writing as I live each day has the happy ending I am praying daily for.
Look out working comes Nadine. Hope you are ready!

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