We are back from the beach! We had a great time on St. Simon's Island with Betsy, Rick and Andy. These are our dearest friends who live in Texas now, so our time seeing them is very limited and precious when we get to see them. Betsy and I pretty much raised our children together since Sarah was about 2 1/2. We have seen and gone through tons together, and she is such a support system for me. I miss not seeing her everyday like we used to, but we pick up right where we left off when we are together. We had a great time this weekend just like we expected. The kids decided to rent beach bikes to cruise down the shore. They had a great time on them, but they are both complaining that their thighs are killing them today! I got a little bit of sun on the beach in places where I missed the sunscreen application, but by golly the kids didn't get burned! See how I sacrifice for them.....LOL
Todd and Rick have always had a tradition of conducting a "taste test" on various things. We have done the Dunkin' Donuts vs. Krispy Kremes, the new Lay's potato chips vs. the old, and of course the men always have a taste test on different liquors. This trip they did a taste test on Crown Royal XR vs. Crown Royal Cask No. 16.....with the latter being the winner. It was an expensive taste test this time, but the men would agree it was well worth it.
We hung out at the pool as well as the beach and just caught up on things! We ate some yummy food while we were there too. The kids posed for a shot at a restaurant called Mullets that we ate at last night. It was a really fun weekend all together.
I know it seems like I am not posting as often lately, but the summer has gotten a bit crazier than I anticipated. Todd and I have been very busy and consumed with the prospect of putting our house on the market and either moving to another home here in Tifton, or finding out if we are destined to be in Oconee......they keep dangling it in front of us, but will not give specifics which is driving both of us nuts. The summer is coming to a close for us very soon and we have to make some major decisions in a few short weeks. Needless to say, this has consumed our every waking moment, and I have not had the time to just play on the computer like I normally do. I will keep you updated as to what happens with us!
Sarah is leaving for her youth choir tour to North Carolina tomorrow morning(Wednesday). They will be gone until Sunday. They are singing for a church and two children's homes. They are going to also have a fun day at Carrowinds Amusement park too. Please keep her and all of the other youth in your prayers for safe travel.
Bailey is taking a cake decorating class on Thursday as well as her piano lesson, so she will have a few things to do to keep her occupied while Sarah is gone.
My father and Sharon are arriving here on Sunday, so we will have a good time visiting with them as well. Hopefully we will have a nice 4th of July celebration too. We are taking my dad on a train ride to Plains, Ga while he is here. It should be a fun time.
I guess that is all for now. I hope you all are doing well. Hugs to everyone.
Rick & Betsy are truly your best friends, it takes a lot to keep a friendship alive and you both are very lucky famlies.
Love all,
I am so glad you all had so much fun! I really like the taste testing contest!
So glad you had a wonderful time with Betsy, Rick and Andy...the kids look great. It is so nice to place a faces with names now. Love you, Melissa
Nadine, great pictures! It was great seeing you all again. Wish the time did not go so fast. Andy thinks sarah is a babe. Next year it is either the cruise or St. Simons again. We need to come up with a new taste test for the ladies.
Love and miss ya'll!
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