Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Reilly!

Reilly is 8 years old today. She has been with us since she was about 7 weeks old. She is the best dog most of the time. She is so mild natured and just a great big fat furball. She has been a constant companion to my girls and to us. Todd and I just saw the movie Marley and Me. If you haven't seen it, it is a must do. I loved the movie, and I will have to say you are gonna cry, and if you don't then you don't have a heart in you. Well, Reilly is like our Marley. She is loyal to the end and is just all about love. You could probably beat the tar out of her (which we have never done, by the way, and don't ever intend to) and she will still come up to you and just roll on her back to get her belly rubbed like she is your best friend in the world. She doesn't have a mean side in her, at least I don't think she does. Sometimes I just look at her and wonder what the world would be like if people were like Reilly. The world would be so much brighter and happier. People wouldn't stab others in the back or just be out for themselves. People would love each other unconditionally and without judgement. It just would be a much better world to live in. Sometimes I think God created dogs so people can see how we are all supposed to act. In reality, all dogs ask of us is to feed them and love them.....and that is all...no more, no less. Well, all I can say is I am so glad Reilly has been a part of our family and I hope we have many more years with her. She is our furry child, and we love her with our whole heart. Happy Birthday my loyal friend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Faithful to the end, is what she will be to the Cook family.

Not TO worry about scratches on hardwood floors wHen you have a fury child like REILLY.

Let her inside she is family after all, floors can be sanded anytime.
Love you all,
Dad & Sharon