Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Honor night and Strawberries

Well, Bailey and I decided to go strawberry picking on Tuesday after her orthodontist appointment. We had fun just the two of us....we picked 12 pounds of strawberries together and then brought them home to make a special dessert for Daddy and Sarah. We will freeze the rest for future eating....Yummy! That is one advantage to living in agricultural South Georgia, fresh produce right off the farm. We concluded our picking with a treat of Strawberry Ice Cream which felt good on Bailey's teeth, since they were hurting from her ortho appointment.
Sarah had her honors night tonight. She not only received her certificate for her honor roll status, but she also was awarded the Top Band Student award! The picture directly above is of her band teacher, Liz Ryan, and her. They are very close as Ms. Ryan has been her teacher for 3 years running. Sarah is gonna really miss her next year! Sarah was also recognized for being one of the few kids going to the Jacksonville State University Honor Band, which is in Alabama, not Florida, this weekend. She leaves tomorrow for it. She will have auditions for chair placement tomorrow afternoon, and then rehearsals all day on Friday and early Saturday morning. Then on Saturday afternoon, they will have their concert....which I will tell you is quite a feat to receive and learn all the music for a concert in a day and a half. Bailey and I will make the trek to Jacksonville, Alabama on Saturday to see her. It is a 5 1/2 hour drive there and then we will watch a 2 hour concert, and then drive back 5 1/2 hours to it will be a long day, but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I am tired and ready for bed. Have a little running to do, but Todd is off tomorrow so we are gonna try and get a little time in together. Bailey has her 3rd grade field day/graduation on Friday, so I will not be working that day as I will be with her. I probably will not get to post again until Sunday where I will post the pictures of Sarah's Band stuff and Bailey's graduation/field day stuff.
Have a great evening!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures as usual. I have never seen a strawberry patch look so neat. Such fun. So pleased and proud for Sarah. I just know she will do very well on Saturday, bless her heart. Go carefully. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Bailey save some of the strawberries for our visit in June/July.

Way to go Sarah! Hope you have fun in Alabama with the concert.

Nadine, 10 1/2 hrs. driving in one day is a lot. Can't you stay over night?
Be careful,
Love you all,
Dad & Sharon