One thing about me, I become obsessed when I start a puzzle. I have been known to stay up all night to finish it. Well this particular puzzle was very challenging and I had to throw in the towel the night we started it. We finally finished it on was a funny moment when it came to putting in the last piece. I always have had this "thing" about being the one to put in the last piece.....I don't know, call it obsessed, call it an accomplishment thing, call it my competitive side, whatever.....but Bailey was very insistent on being the one to put in the piece....we actually kinda had a tussle over the piece. It was at that moment that I realized my child was just like me. I had to "let" her put in the last piece. It was the first time I haven't put it in. I actually kinda laughed at myself at how pitiful I was about a puzzle piece. I gave her the piece and let her put it in, and just seeing the sense of accomplishment on her face was so worth it. I know this probably sounds dumb to most, but it was a funny moment for me.
I don't know what it is about puzzles....I love to do them. I don't make the time always to do them, but when I do, I enjoy it. It is relaxing to me. I remember when my mom was at Roswell Cancer Institute just before she died, I spent a lot of time down in the family waiting area doing a was a puzzle of the "New York Daily Times"....why I remember that I don't know. I just remember that being a form of therapy for me. It basically distracted me from what was happening in my world. It is funny because I look back at that time and sometimes feel guilty that I was doing a puzzle instead of being in the room with my mom. I try to analyze that at times and wonder if it was a reaction of perhaps going back into my childhood where there were no cares in the world.....maybe that is what puzzles are to escape. Boy Dr. Phil would have a good time analyzing me, don't you think?
Anyway, things are finally getting back to normal. Bailey did go back to school on Friday but still has a nagging cough. She did cheer for her game on Saturday, but was very tired by the end of the day. I think it is gonna take a few more days for her to be back to normal. We went to church yesterday in the morning and she was very clingy to Todd. We went to Valdosta to go to brunch at one of mine and Todd's favorite restaurants. Todd took us there for our Valentine treat. We then went to the mall and got Bailey some new sneakers. Headed home and then went to church for our small group Lenten study. By the time we got home, Bailey was exhausted and went to bed by 7:00. It is now 9:15 in the morning, and she is still sleeping. Now we did have a very bad night of storms here, so she may not have slept well during it. I know Todd and I were up quite a bit just listening to the thunder, wind and rain, so I am sure she probably heard it as well. I just know I am glad there was no school today, so she was able to catch up on the sleep she needs.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I hope you all have a good week.
I give you guys a lot of credit! That puzzle had to be difficult because there are no straight lines to strat you off on the edges! Good job! It is good to see Bailey smiling.
What, you did that puzzle in 2 days???? No fair....Next time I'll find a harder one. You were such a good sport to give the honor of the last piece to Bailey.
Great job ladies! Yes, it is time to step aside and let the last piece go! Do not feel guilty about our most difficult time in our life, she would have wanted you to keep your mind off of her passing.
Bailey is a lot like you in many ways Nadine. She will be herself before you know it, driving you crazy and I know you love the carzyness!
Love you all,
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