Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Baby is 14!!!!

Okay, I am really feeling old now. My baby girl is 14 today! It seems like yesterday that I was holding her for the first time. It is amazing how quickly time has gone, and how much we have been through since she came into our lives. Motherhood has truly been an adventure all in itself. An adventure I never could have imagined. There have been moments that I have sat in total awe and thankfulness of what God has given to me, and other moments that I have sat and cried and questioned if I could handle what God has given me. I guess that is what makes it what it is.

Sarah truly is a wonderful child. I know I am biased on that, but in all reality, she is a good kid. She has shown me the beauty that she has both on the outside and inside. She has a kind and caring heart, intelligence that amazes me daily, a genuine sense of humor, a determination that scares me at times, and an overall good head on her shoulders. She can be stubborn sometimes but she gets that honestly, and I can't judge on that one. She has made motherhood an absolute joy to experience. I know teenagers can be scary to a lot of people....even me....but if half the teenagers are as genuine as my Sarah is, the world is in for a treat in the years to come. So far, we have had a good experience with it.....and I know there will be times I will want to eat these words, but right now in this moment, I love my teen. She is truly the joy of my life and no mother could be prouder.

I can only end this post with saying she truly is beauty defined.


Anonymous said...

a sultry hunter pose

Anonymous said...

Boy, those 14 years went by fast, I remember the ride down in the snow storm the day Sarah was born. Great outfit Sarah, bet you don't wear those earrings while hunting. You are right Sarah, you did good with your "14" cupcake design. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Brithday Sarah.
Next timebe careful when you "BOYCOTT" your Papa Walty.

You did receive a present so I did not forget your brithday.

Love you,
Papa & Nana