Thursday, September 13, 2007


I am really aggravated right now at one of Sarah's bear with me. I find it truly amazing that some people think they are better than everyone else, or get off on their title. Sarah came home from school today, and told me that her Language Arts teacher told the class that they should not go to their parents for help on their homework because they don't know what they are talking about, unless they were an English major! Umm, excuse me but when did being an English major make you an expert on everything. I truly was insulted....first off, she doesn't even know me or any of the other parents. Second, Sarah is studing parts of she thinks I don't know what a noun, a verb or a direct object are? Sarah told her that I was a Spanish major, being the sometimes big mouth that she is, to which she then told Sarah that I really wouldn't know what I was talking about because Spanish was totally different than English....Excuse me but if the moron knew anything about "language" she would know that Latin is the mother language of all the romance languages...which includes English and Spanish. And an adjective is an adjective in Spanish just as it is in English! I have had probably more training in grammar in language between the obvious English classes I have had to take, but also in my ten years of training in Spanish, Latin, Italian, and French!!!! And please pardon this next comment because I know I will insult my southern born friends, so don't take it the wrong way....but I have an education from a state that is ranked in top 10 in the nation, and hers is from a state in the bottom 5 in the nation.....don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about! I am not claiming to be an expert in any area, and I know that I am wrong a lot of times, but I don't go around telling people that they are idiots when I don't even know anything about them. Also, I am really offended that any teacher tells my child to not come to me for help! I think that was the dumbest thing a teacher can say. Now those of you who know me, you know that I am a huge fan of teachers and I will do whatever it takes to support them. Heck, I am a teacher myself....grant it, I am not in the public school system, but I do know the importance of parental support and involvement in their children's lives. Telling kids to not come to their parents is so counter productive.....grrrrr! I know I am overreacting about this, but it just really struck me the wrong way. She basically has told all the children that despite the fact that they may have bachelors, masters, and PhD's in whatever that they are idiots in English. I guess her degree title makes her the all powerful and knowing. Sarah then told me she coaches the cheerleaders, which then explained it all to me....but being the smarty pants that I am, I told Sarah that she needed to tell her teacher that she needed to quit coaching the cheerleaders because she doesn't have a degree in physical education or the likes of anything remotely close to that, so the cheerleaders shouldn't listen to her because she doesn't know what she is talking about.

Okay.....I am done ranting now. Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

Holey-moley my dear little girl, I hope you have been able to settle down and have taken lots of deep breaths.

Talk to the teacher. If one of your parents were upset with you, you would want them to come to you and straighten it out before they blew up. Good luck and I hope Todd was able to help in some way.

Anonymous said...

I know you took care of this situation Nadine.
Love you,