Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Celebrity Waiter Night

Yesterday was a big day for Todd at the restaurant. He hosted a huge fundraiser for the Foundation for Education Excellence. He hasn't slept for 3 nights in anticipation of this event. He wanted it to go as smoothly as possible in hopes that this will be an annual event as it brought in not only money for the foundation, but good money for the restaurant as well. For those of you that are not from Tifton, you have to understand that the "pretty people" as we are now calling them, run this town and that is where all the money is. So if Todd can smooze with them, then that just is a good business move on his part. And believe me, we are not part of the "pretty people", but for those of you who know us, we can b.s. with the best of them, and believe me, I wouldn't want half of their lives because they are all for the most part the fakiest individuals you can imagine. But as far as the restaurant was concerned it went off without a hitch. Everyone seemed very pleased and happy and the head of it already has booked the restaurant for next year, so Todd got what he wanted out of it.

Basically what it was about is all the "big wigs" in town were the waiters/waitresses and they waited on all the other pretty people in town. They were tipped for their service with all the tips going to the foundation. To give you an example, one lady made $1450 off two tables and Todd said one individual wrote a check he saw sitting there for $1000 himself right at the end of the evening....I don't even think I want to know how much they brought in from all the people there. There was 150 people there and if each one tipped comparably, then I am absolutely sure that it was a success for the foundation! I wish I had that kind of money to just give away.....that one check would pay my house payment for the month!!!!

I did help out Todd all night, and I have to tell you I was tired at the end of the shift. And I didn't even do much besides fill drinks and dish out pie. Just being on your feet for that entire time was a lot. I told Todd now I know why his legs are always in good shape, cuz mine were killing me.

So the picture I am posting here is for my friends Susan and Jay because it gave me great pleasure to see this person as a server....it was priceless as he stood by the dish pit and had to scrap plates. The look on his face was worth a thousand words. Although I would have loved to get a picture of him at the trash can, I didn't have my camera close at that time. But maybe just seeing him in a 'blue collar'/servant position will make you giggle.....

For those of you who don't know who it is, all I will say is he is our State Senator.....for Susan and Jay you know I love ya both!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words and this has brought such a large laugh and smile to my face!!
Love it!

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the wrong person doesn't get their hands on this....whew....

Anonymous said...

Well I am sorry to hear Todd lost so much sleep but I am glad the event was so succuessful. I would never think of an event hosted by Todd wouldn't be successful!

Anonymous said...

Nadine, Todd is a winner and knows exactly how to bring the bread home for a charity.
Nice Job Todd.

Love you all,

ps: don't leave this one on your website to long, it could turn into a problem