Sunday night was our Fall Festival at church, so I have sent pictures of the girls in their costumes. Bailey was a snow princess, and although I am biased, I think she was beautiful. She looked soooooo cute. Sarah is getting to the age that she really doesn't need to be trick or treating, but she did put on Moses' football jersey and paint under her eyes for the fall festival because the youth were assisting with the booths. Now tomorrow night for trick or treating is gonna be a different story. She thinks she is gonna dress up etc, but I told her already she is getting too big for that. I don't know about you, but I don't like when older kids come to the door trick or treating...I just think that should be reserved for the little ones. Call me mean, but that is just how I feel. Anyway, back to the festival, Bailey had a good time hanging out with her friends. She did the hay ride and the big blow up slide and all the fun game booths, but she was most excited that she won me a candle in the bingo game room. She kept putting it under my nose saying, "Mommy, doesn't that smell good? It smells like our house, doesn't it". I kept saying yes, but she just kept putting it up to my nose, and reminding me the candle was for me. I thought that was very sweet.
We went out to Longhorn afterwards with our friends, the Langston's, and we had a good time. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home, and were a bit grumpy in the morning when it came time to get up for school. My children have set bedtimes, and if we miss them, they are grumpy bunnies in the morning. (I call them that because when they were little, they both loved the book "The Grumpy Bunny")
Well, I will be posting another post about last night in a moment as I have a picture to add to that as well.
Have a great day!
My pretty girls, have fun, eat all the candy you get your hands on....just kidding, of course. Enjoy! Love you more, gramma
Love you both very much, Uncle Steve and Aunt Melissa xoxoxoxox
Sarah is growing up fast but she has the spirit just like her mom.
Baliey looks like a snow princess, if waits a month or two she can play in the snow here in the north country.
Love you all,
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