Monday, October 1, 2007

Decades ago....

Doesn't she look cute? Today was the start of Homecoming week, and today was decade day. She went for the 80's, and we have a cross between Madonna and Baby from Dirty Dancing..... Her hair was really poofy in the back, which you can't see it very well in this picture. She was laughing so hard when we took the hot rollers out of her hair and teased it out....she just couldn't believe we had that 'big of hair". She just kept telling me how weird we all dressed way back then.....decades ago. I explained to her that just like I think some of the stuff she wears is weird, my parents probably thought the same of me. I told her not to laugh too hard because the 80's styles will be back before we know it. Although, I have to admit when we were doing her hair, I thought to myself, "goodness, I can't believe I did this everyday". Well, I just thought I would share her snapshot. Moses came home late yesterday, and he was very glad to be out of the "cold" hospital. He will be out of school for a bit, but hopefully he will be back sooner than he thinks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, the beginning of the 80's were fun times.
Love you,
Papa & Nanna