Friday, October 5, 2007

He's Home!!!

Yeah! My honey made it home safe from his hunting trip. I missed him so much, and we are all glad he is home. He didn't even see a moose, much less shoot one. He said it was 70 something degrees up there, and the moose don't move when it is that hot. He packed a lot of cool weather clothes, thinking it was going to be "fall" weather. Boy was he wrong. He did say that he caught a few good size fish though, and that they hunted in the mornings and fished during the days....just what he wanted to do. He said they had a great time and laughed constantly, which I am so glad for that. And now I can do a happy dance that I don't have to figure out where to put a moose on my wall in the house....YAH!....I mean....awwwww.....NOT!
Well, I am gonna cut this post short so I can spend some time with him. Tomorrow is our 17th is hard to think that it has been that long ago. I would do it all again in a second, knowing that this is where my life is now. Hugs to all!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!And wishing you many many more!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and glad to hear Todd is safe and sound with the family! Love you guys! Melissa and Steve XOXOXO